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7025/12AX7WB Sovtek
Параметры и характеристики .



Type 7025/12AX7WA, 7025/12AX7WB miniature double triode
with separate indirectly heated cathodes
is intended for being employed as phase inverter
or as double amplifier with resistive feedback.

Mass no more than 15 g.
Lead diagram Electrode-to-lead connection diagram
Lead designation Function of electrode
1 First triode plate
2 First triode grid
3 First triode cathode
4, 5 and 9 Filament
6 Second triode plate
7 Second triode grid
8 Second triode cathode

Sinusoidal vibrations:  
frequency range, Hz 1 – 200
acceleration amplitude, rn/S2 50
Mechanical impact:  
multiple-action impact peak impact acceleration, m/S2 150
Elevated ambient temperature, OK:  
working temperature 343
limiting temperature 383
Lowered ambient temperature, OK:  
working temperature 228
limiting temperature 213
Temperature range, OK:  
from elevated ambient working temperature 343
to lowered ambient limiting temperature 213
Elevated relative humidity, %:  
at 308OK for climatic condition all-climatic 98
at 298 OK for climatic condition temperature-cold 98
Lowered atmospheric pressure, kPa:  
working pressure 70
limiting pressure 19.4
Mould fungi (for climatic condition all-climatic)  
3. SPECIFICATIONS 3.1. Electrical parameters at (298±5)OK
Parameters, conditions and units Norm
7025/12AX7WA 7025/12AX7WB
min Nominal max min Nominal max
Grid back current, mkA (at: filament voltage 6,3 V, anode voltage 250 V, grid voltage minus 1,5 V, resistance in grid circuit, 1,0 M Ω ) - - 0.2 - - 0.2
Slope of characteristic, mA/V (at: filament voltage 6,3 V, anode voltage 250 V, grid voltage minus 1,5 V) 1.6 2.1 2.65 1.4 1.9 2.45
Plate current, mA (at: filament voltage 6,3 V, anode voltage 250 V, grid voltage minus 1,5 V) 1.4 - - 1.2 - -
Filament current, mA (at: filament voltage 6,3 V) 305 340 375 305 340 375
Plate current at the beginning of the characteristic, mkA, (at: filament voltage 6,3 V, anode voltage 250 V, grid voltage minus 5,5 V) - - 10 - - 10
Cathode-filament leakage current, mkA (at: filament voltage 6,3 V, cathode-filament voltage ±250 V) - - 15 - - 15
Input capacitance, pF 1.8 2.15 2.5 1.8 2.15 2.5
Transfer capacitance, pF - 0.55 0.8 - 0.55 0.8
Output capacitance, pF 1.3 1.9 2.5 1.3 1.9 2.5
First triode plate-second triode plate capacitance, pF - - 0.4 - - 0.4
Amplification factor (at: filament voltage 6,3 V, anode voltage 250 V, grid voltage minus 1,5 V) 85 91 97 95 102 110
Noise voltage in a range 20 Hz—10 kHz, mkV (at: filament voltage 6,3 V, anode voltage 250 V, grid circuit resistance O MΩ, anode circuit resistance 100 kΩ, cathode circuit resistance 2700 Ω) - - 300 - - 300

3.2. Maximum permissible operating conditions
Parameters, units Norm
min max
Filament voltage, V:    
for parallel connection 6.0 6.6
for series connection 12.0 13.2
Plate voltage, V   300
Cathode-filament voltage, V   ±100
Cathode current, mA   10
Power dissipation at the plate of each triode, W 1.0
Grid circuit resistance for each of the triodes, MΩ 1.0
Temperature at the most heated part of the envelope, OK 368

Make sure that more than one of the above maximum permissible operating conditions
are in no way attained simultaneously while the electron valve is in service.
5. STORAGE The electron valve must be kept in the manufacturer's cartons
in heated or air conditioned stores within the temperature range from 278 to 313 OK and relative humidity 80% at 298 OK.

Valves in tropical design in manufacturer's package should allow transport and storage
at relative humidity 98% and temperature 308 OK.

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7025/12AX7WB Sovtek ~1830 руб.  ECC83   
